Shipping & Delivery
Partial/complete shipment
Where can I select the shipping option for my order?
If not all of your items are available for direct dispatch, you will be able to select between 2 shipping options “partial shipment” and “complete shipment” while completing your order. This means that if you choose partial shipment, you will receive the available items as soon as possible, without additional shipping costs. We split the shipments into a maximum of two parts per order.
The standard method for shipping orders is “partial shipment”.
Why am I receiving multiple packages despite selecting complete shipping?
It can sometimes happen that orders marked “complete shipment” are still sent using multiple packages. This can happen if there isn’t enough space in the box for all items.
Are the shipments environmentally-friendly?
All of our packaging material has been chosen under consideration of environmental impact. In addition to being as economical and efficient as possible, we choose to use primarily recycled materials, recyclable materials, as well as reusable packaging (such as cardboard boxes). In order to be more environmentally-friendly we also try to send out your order in one complete shipment when possible.