Unlimited Bike Experience Namibia

Namibia – often and rightly called the "land of the red dunes". Together with our MTB’s, we encountered spectacular landscapes, breath-taking sunsets, friendly people and a strong community of mountain bikers in the southern African country. 

Completely different from anything we have ever seen

So, with the Thrill Hill as my perfect companion, we set off by plane on our journey to Namibia.

We didn't really know what to expect there. But as soon as we got off the plane, we were fascinated by the breathtaking vastness of the African landscape. As city dwellers, this isn’t something we’re used to seeing, and the sight of it immediately inflamed our thirst for adventure. 

After the ride from the airport to our accommodation in Windhoek, it was immediately clear to us that this trip would be something completely different from any bike trip so far. 

Endless dusty gravel roads framed by the overwhelming natural diversity of Namibia were paired with enthusiastic descriptions of our destinations by our guide Marc and driver Charlo. We could hardly wait to finally get on our bikes. 

The first dust under the tyres

We didn't expect such a well-connected MTB community to be waiting for us in Windhoek, because unlike typical bike destinations, hardly anyone thinks of mountain biking first when they think of Namibia. So, we were all surprised when our guides introduced us to the locals in Windhoek. That same afternoon, we explored the dusty trails away from the capital together and were surprised not only by the well-developed network of trails for mountain bikes, but also by the openness and curiosity of the people we met. 

Unforgettable views over the Namib Desert

The next day we went by jeep to the first stopover of our trip, Klein-Aus Vista in the Aus Mountains. We were stunned by the epic views and vistas. Awaiting us were landscapes in widescreen format, immersed in countless shades of yellow and orange in the shimmering air. The palpable silence that promised us a soothing deceleration after our first adventurous trails was, however, only the calm before the storm - in this vast landscape we were not at all in the mood for relaxation! 

Because the area around the Aus Mountains is not only criss-crossed by numerous gneiss and granite rocks, but also by many single trails and dirt roads. These are at an altitude of a good 1250 to 1700 m above sea level and revealed an unforgettable view of the Namib Desert, where we had trouble concentrating on the trail under the tyres. 

Safari feeling on the bike

Klein-Aus Vista is situated in one of the most biodiverse deserts on earth, the so-called "Succulent Karoo". On the many different trails we were even able to spot wild horses, oryx antelopes, springboks, ostriches and jackals all in one day – it felt like a real safari!  

Speaking of diverse trails – our guide led us through narrow hairpin bends, over sandy terrain, as well as stones and gravel. No wish was left unfulfilled here! Tough climbs challenged our thighs and difficult downhill sections offered countless opportunities to push our bikes and bodies to the limit, until we were as desperate for water as the dry riverbeds in the rugged valleys of Klein-Aus. This was one of the most spectacular MTB tours for us, with incredible impressions beyond the athletic experience! 

Postcard landscape with endless rock trails

The next day took us over seemingly endless gravel roads to one of Namibia's most famous places. The Spitzkoppe, also known as the "Matterhorn of Namibia", lies about 120km northeast of Swakopmund in the midst of an impressive sand-coloured moonscape of bizarre rocks. To get there, we bumped along in the jeep towards our destination while the hot wind and sand swirled around our faces. It quickly became clear to us why Spitzkoppe is one of the most photographed motifs in the country, as its characteristic shape towers over the barren desert landscape, visible from afar.  

This region is also know for the famous "Rock Arch". Of course, we couldn't miss this gigantic landmark. We meandered along and through the arch, over bizarre rocky outcrops and dusty-dry trails, until the ever lowering sun bathed the scenery in a breathtaking light and we could no longer escape the beautiful sight. But it was to become even more magical... 

Never-ending heavens

The day was drawing to a close and the sun was bidding it farewell with a spectacle of rays and almost unnaturally bright colours. The sharp contours of trees and bushes stood out against the glowing sky. Contrasts and plays of colour as only Mother Nature can stage them. The landscape seemed literally on fire until the black veil of night descended on us and we reached our camp. 

In an area like this, with no light pollution, the stars appeared to be almost within reach. Billions of them cover the sky like a luminous veil. With countless pictures and impressions of the last few days in our heads – which, by the way, were quite magnificently underlined by our aching legs – we sat around the campfire by our tents and admired this awe-inspiring sight of the seemingly endless starry sky. Far away from the world. Happy. We understood why the desert is a place many long to visit. A destination that we were able to experience in a very special way thanks to the bikes - and an experience we will never forget! 

How ROSE came to visit Namibia

In search of impressive bike destinations and new adventures on the bike, we felt a magnetic attraction to the fascinating landscape of Namibia. This bike trip through Namibia is the start of our series "Unlimited Bike Experiences". 

Special thanks go to our cooperation partners Ethiopian Airlines, Namibian Tourism Board and DIAMIR, with whose support we were able to make this extraordinary and breathtaking trip to Namibia possible for all of us. 

With the travel agency DIAMIR, we are pleased to have a partner at our side who has been committed to the areas of environment & society for years and who involves the local population and local businesses in order to strengthen the economy of the travel countries in the long term.